June 7th - July 12th

at the Art Depot on 13th St


6 Week Session - $72.00

Steamboat Dance Theatre Members - $60.00

After 4 full paid registrations... Drop-In - $15.00


Bare belly is not required, Form fitting clothing suggested such as yoga or workout wear. 


For information or questions contact 

Heidi at 

or visit

BUTI Yoga, Tribal Fusion Belly Dance & African Dance

Monday- 9-10am  BUTI YOGA @ Colorado Mtn College

Tuesday-4:30-5:30 BUTI YOGA @Yoga Lila

6:30-8  Tribal Fusion Bellydance @ Colorado Mtn College 

Wednesday- 9-10am  BUTI YOGA @ Colorado Mtn College 

7:30-9  West African Dance @ The Depot

Thursday- 4:30-5:30 BUTI YOGA @ Rakta Hot Yoga


...... then we camp, we bike, we breathe, we meditate, we realize

BUTI Yoga South Routt Tribe



This will be an ongoing class Thursday Nights 6-7pm at Let's Dance in Oak Creek.


Drop in for $12 or get a 5 or 10 class punch card for $10/per class.


All you need to bring is a yoga mat, water, maybe a towel for sweat if that's your thing (because this is a sweaty class), and your beautiful self!